Monday, January 31, 2011

Halloween USA style

India is a country of celebrations and Festivals- and most people feel that festivals are enjoyed in India like nowhere else.
True to some extent. Festivals like Makar Sankrant (kite flying) and Holi (colours) are eagerly awaited by children. So is the case in USA where Halloween is looked forward to by children and also by the grown ups.
Preparations start in advance.
Houses are decorated. Costume parties are arranged. Carved pumpkins can be seen strategically places in lawns and porches. Children will spend hours preparing for the scary dresses. They will go from house to house asking for "trick or treat?"
Here are some glimpses.
Typical front lawn
Decorating the house
Most sought after costume
Trick or treat
Pehchaan kaun
Sorting out the booty...........

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